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Our Staff & Elders

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-12

Church Staff

  • Lisa Bosley

    Family Life Minister

  • Robin Gough

    Preaching Minister

  • Erin Gulick

    Children’s Minister

  • Jacob Robertson

    Outreach Coordination Minister

  • Jill Bitgood

    Church Administrator

  • Ben Dalling

    Worship and Building Tech

  • Marcia Downey

    Administrative Assistant

Our Elders

  • Dennis Cesone

  • Scott Renner

  • David Bell

  • Lance Boyd

  • Ray Bingham

  • Stephen Coffman

  • Ivan Mills

  • Joel Reed

FXCC Elders’ Biblical Discernment: Church Practices and Decisions

At Fairfax, our elders make important decisions about how we practice our faith together. These decisions guide our ministries and activities, ensuring that everything we do aligns with Biblical teachings. They provide clarity on how we operate as a church and help keep us united in our beliefs. While some decisions may change over time, they are always based on Scripture and our shared mission as a church family.