Due to expected weather, Bible classes are canceled tomorrow, 1/19/25. Worship will still be at 9 am, but there will be no 10:30 am classes. If you feel unsafe, please stay home and join us online. We’ll share updates as needed.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime

Ministry Groups

We weren’t meant to follow Jesus alone. Come get involved!

Following Jesus is an individual decision, but the journey is best made in good company. There are many ministries from which to choose. Find the group you need to navigate life better and to grow closer to God.

    Adult Classes

    Since we believe that iron sharpens iron, we offer a wide range of Bible classes every spring, summer, and fall. These classes cover textual courses, discipleship training, and topical courses. Take a look at the class offerings and join us in growing together! We offer in-person as well as online classes.
    A smiling man in a plaid shirt sits on a couch holding a book, while a woman and another person are seated nearby.


    Laugh, love and learn more about God in a group designed with you in mind. The Women’s Ministry at Fairfax is designed to help you grow in faith together with other women from various walks and stages of life.


    The Men’s Ministry is focused on getting men of the congregation together to share war stories, spend time in prayer with one another, and encourage each one of us to step forward as leaders at Fairfax.

    Each year our ministry hosts a weekend of prayer and camping in the woods. We also serve Fairfax and our surrounding community as needs are identified and hold a Men’s Prayer breakfast on the 1st Saturday of each month from 8:00 to 9:30 am. The Prayer Breakfast is flexible—we often move to the 2nd Saturday of each month to avoid holidays and other church-wide conflicts.
    four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset


    Real teens doing life with Jesus!

    Living a lifestyle where God takes center stage can sometimes be tough – especially in middle school and high school. Join us for Sunday morning Bible class, Wednesday discipleship groups, retreats, camp, trips, games and more.

    Come grow in a student community where a life with God is central to everything we do!


    We want our children to be excited about church
    and passionate about worshipping God!

    The Children’s Ministry at FXCC strives to come alongside parents to disciple their children. We want to help children:
    Mature in their relationship with God
    Form Godly relationships with others in the church,
    Share their faith with others.
    Child with raised arms participates in an indoor activity, surrounded by other children and adults.
    person wearing white and black sunglasses


    Welcome To The Fairfax Church Of Christ Deaf Ministry (FDM)!

    We are a Biblical church communicating God’s message visually in a personal way. We are an imperfect people striving to become more like Jesus, not just on Sundays, but in the way we live every day. We are a community with people from all walks of life gathering regularly for Bible study, friendship, accountability and support.

    This is where real and lasting relationships are born. Some are long-time followers of Christ learning and growing deeper in their faith. Others are seeking spiritual truth and investigating the claims of Jesus Christ. Wherever you are spiritually, making you feel welcome is important to us.

    Growth Groups

    One of the unique aspects of being a suburb of Washington D.C. is that Fairfax is that is made up of people from all over the world. It also means that the hustle and bustle of northern Virginia can limit the amount of time we get to spend together. That’s where Growth Groups come in. Growth Groups are comprised of small groups of people meeting throughout northern Virginia to help each other grow more into the image of Christ.

    If you’re interested in more information or joining a group, click the button below to contact our Growth Group team.
    A group of people sits together indoors, reading and discussing books around a table.
    Three people sit around a wooden table with open books, two of them rest their hands on top of the books.

    Discipleship Groups

    Throughout the New Testament of the Bible, the words “one-another” are used 100 times in 94 verses. Over half of those are instructions to followers of Jesus. The best way to help us grow is to be in a “one-another” relationship where we help each other grow. Discipleship Groups are designed for this. A Discipleship Group is made up of 3-4 followers of Jesus who want to help keep each other accountable and sharpen each other to grow into the image of Christ.

    Ready to join one or start one? Click the button below to contact our Discipleship Team.